If you are here, welcome to my site. However, due to a lot of things, I will not nagivate you around. If you were given a link, you are free to explore that link and it's affiliated.
That isn't to say there isn't stuff on my site. I just have a lot of trust issues with the bots that come here, they aren't respecting the robot.txt...
and trying to access places like db/ and wp-login.php, rude....very rude.
| Tracker for Prime 1 and 2.
When I was streaming a semi speed run, I made this tracker so the stream would have a better understanding of how far I am in the game.
Clicking on the image would toggle it's state.
Some of them you need to click on the first one, and reclicking it will cycle through the set.
the Energy, and Missiles are like this, as well as Power bombs.
Others you can just click on the section and it will toggle it on and off.
I had used the image from the GBA game, and from there customized my own design. Including the glitch text.
It should be noted that the sizes are the size they are because of how OBS works.

The above is a screenshot of my work in progress for the prime version.
The text had to be worked properly to match, and each part was modifed from the orignal to meet my purposes.
EchoEcho is special that you can click the background and it will complete more and more.

The Echo version has a progress check when you click the background. I figured it would be neat to fill up, the gif just shows what it looks like in progression.